Last requests???  Yeah!  Get me my gorget!

Pattern Archive: Sinric's Old Patterns

This is a collection of patterns for you to experiment on. All the patterns are located elsewhere on the net as well, but their creators have granted the archive permission to place them here so you don't have to go tracking them down. These are simply pictures with brief notes. You should probably have some previous armouring experience before you tackle these projects. Check the essays page for instructions on methods, and if you get really stuck... post a message on the armouring message boards, and somebody is sure to point you in the right direction.

15th Century Arms 03/01/00
15th Century Arms (Early) (Revised) 04/12/00
15th Century Legs 03/01/00
15th Century Pauldrons 03/01/00
Armet 03/21/00
Barbute 03/21/00
Bascinet 03/21/00
Conical Helm 04/04/00
Cuphilt 03/21/00
Greathelm 03/21/00
Klappvisor Bascinet 03/21/00
Knees 03/21/00
Spaulders 03/21/00
Spaulders2 03/21/00
Sugarloaf 03/21/00
Sugarloaf With Visor 03/21/00

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Questions? Comments? Contact: JT