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Two Bazubands Variants
by White Mountain Armoury

Here are some bazuband images, along with a small shoulder cop. I've had requests for them but I can't take on more work.

These are the two different shapes -- same shape, really, but one cop is pointy and one is round. Here is the round pair in the process of getting trimmed in leather. Matching leather trim on the dinky little shoulder cops.

Here's another picture of them after completion.

Patterns (Click on thumbnail for full-size image)

These are the patterns, I don't have them scaled to print, but this should be enough, as each person's arm will require fresh measurements. One has some text on it.

  • The red is approximate dishing area.
  • The green is the area to be rolled
  • The yellow is where the dishing and the roll are blended
  • The black is a crease

Just measure from the elbow tip to your wrist -- that measurement goes along the crease line. If its 9 inches from elbow point to wrist just blow up the pic until the black crease line is 9 inches.

Use the same method for both patterns. I dish most of it, roll it some, blend the two, finish dishing, blending, and rolling, and then weld. The hinge can be leather, piano style, seperate. What ever floats your boat. The leather trimmed pair have a leather hinge sewn on with the trim

The top is welded to make production faster. The leather is glued to the cop; it's sewn to the bazubands.

These are for sca; typical examples don't protect all 3 points. The "wings" make it deep enough so that the points remain covered even when the arm is extended and has risen out of the cop some.

The leather on the cops and bazubands is strictly to protect the fabric of my cote from wear on the unrolled edge, though it adds some to comfort.

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